38bdf500dc BlackDoor Custom iOS firmware for iPhone 3G inspired newer iOS.. 25 May 2011 - 2 min - Uploaded by machivesditereDownload Link : Prerequisite: * This .. 11 Feb 2011 . Pues lo hemos mejorado, este firmware 4.2.1 para iPhone 3G no slo . que herramienta se hace un custom firmware del ios 4.2.1 en window ?? . Iphone me dice que tengo la version 4.2.1 (8C148) pero no se bien que.. 18 Jul 2018 . Transcript of iPhone 3G Custom Restore Firmware 4.2.1 8C148 ipsw Download Free. Click to download.. 30 Dec 2011 . when i use i tunes to install iPhone 3G Custom Firmware 4.2.1 8C148 its give me amassege ( couldnt be restored because the frimware is not.. 19 Feb 2012 - 6 min - Uploaded by nitrolewisSorry for dodgy video, my bad. VIEW IN 1080P FULL SCREEN Links to files: .. 27 Jul 2014 . Download iOS 4.2.1 Custom IPSWs Made with PwnageTool for iPhone, . You can jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 on your iPhone 4/3GS/3G, iPod Touch.. PwnageTool is a MAC OS X only jailbreaking tool that jailbreaks your iOS device by creating a custom IPSW (Apple's Firmware File); once this IPSW is created.. Download iOS 4.2.1 IPSW firmware (direct download links) for iPhone 4, iPhone . iOS 4.2.1 so that you can cook custom firmware without baseband update.. 21 Feb 2011 . Apple dej de lado el soporte de iPhone original en sus actualizaciones iOS con la llegada de la versin 4.0. De manera similar tenemos el.. Download iphone 3g 4.2.1 jailbreak firmware Custom firmware for iphone 3Gs / 3G . Download custom firmware iPhone 3Gs. Shift Restore and choose custom . iPhone 3G Custom Restore Firmware 4.2.1 8C148 ipsw torrent or any other.. 17 Feb 2011 . iOS 4.2.1 CUSTOM ipsw files ( made with PwangeTool ) Download iOS 4.2.1 Custom ipsw . OS X) and add the following entry to the bottom of the file. gs.apple.com .. 18 Jan 2017 . Of mac os x .6.5,.download redsn0w to jailbreak iphone. By. Iphone4 ios. I got problem about my iphone 3g after jailbreak to ios .apple has just.. 3 Oct 2011 . recover iPhone 3GS on iOS 4.2.1 or 4.3.3 from software update that puts the . in recovery mode and fail to restore to the official Apple firmware bundles IPSW. . The iPhone needs to be restored with the custom IPSW used to.. redsn0w 4.2.1 custom restore, 3gs 5.1.1 custom firmware, ios 4.1 3gs custom . Ipsw iphone 3g custom firmware 4.2.1 8c148 redsn0w jailbreak 4.2 1 free.. Download current and previous versions of Apple's iOS Firmware and . Device, Version/BuildID, Release Date, Download, Size, Apple Signing Status, Hashes . (8C148), 11/18/2010, iPod4,14.2.18C148Restore.ipsw, 638 MB, MD5:.. 28 Nov 2010 . How to unlock iOS 4.2.1 on iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS with ultrasn0w . Dear people, i successfully JB & unlock 3G V 4.2.1(8C148), BB 06.15.00, battery . Please send me the 4.2.1 custom firmware to my email address:.. Witam Oryginalny iOS nie da si zainstalowa na tego iPhone 3G. . I tutaj moje pytanie czy jest jaki Custom Firmware 4.2.1 z baseband.. 27 Nov 2010 . iPhone 3G running iOS 4.2.1: iPhone1,24.2.18C148Restore.ipsw. 4. Redsn0w will verify the firmware file and prepare jailbreak data. 5.. Toutes les versions d'iOS au tlchargement pour l'iPhone 3G. . Firmware iphone 3G. Tlcharger iOS 4.2.1 (8C148) - 322.89 Mo (sortie le 18 Nov 2010).
IPhone 3G Custom Firmware 4.2.1 8C148
Updated: Mar 13, 2020